Revolutionizing Learning and Development with Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): A Case Study of TPM Implementation at Sundaram Auto Components
Total Preventive Maintenance (TPM), Education and Training, Manufacturing Performance, Manufacturing Systems, Total Quality Maintenance (TQM)Abstract
otal productive maintenance (TPM) stands as an integral maintenance approach, meticulously tailored for upholding the operational integrity of plants and equipment, thereby ensuring optimal availability and efficiency (McKone& Weiss, 2000). This approach also fosters a culture of autonomous maintenance. This review aims to provide an examination of TPM Education and Training (ET) practices, predominantly embraced within the manufacturing sector. The core objective of this review is to illuminate the comprehensive framework employed for the seamless implementation of effective E&T. This study places a particular emphasis on apparent advantages garnered through the application of TPM's key performance indicators. The research findings underscore a pronounced positive impact stemming from methodical TPM interventions. In particular, the indicators undeniably showcase increased workforce motivation, along with heightened involvement in improvement initiatives following the implementation of TPM education and training programs. The application and the success rate of E&T Pillar is studied at Sundaram Auto Components Limited and presented in this paper
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