Analysis Of The Effect Of Transfer Pricing, Thin Capitalization And Gender Diversity On Tax Aggressivity With Corporate Social Responsibility As A Moderation Variable


  • Ahmad Pebrian Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang Author
  • Dirvi Surya Abbas Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang Author


Transfer Pricing, Thin Capitalization, Gender Diversity, Corporate Social Responsibility, Tax Aggressiveness


This study aims to examine the effect of transfer pricing, thin capitalization and gender diversity with Corporate Social Responsibility as a moderating variable on tax aggressiveness. This study uses mining sector companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2017-2021 period. Totals of the sample were 25 mining companies for 5 years. This study also analyzes the data using Panel Data Regression on EViews 12 software. The results of this study show that transfer pricing and thin capitalization have no effect on tax aggressiveness. Meanwhile gender diversity has a negative and significant effect on tax aggressiveness. The results also indicate that Corporate Social Responsibility does weaken the effect of transfer pricing and thin capitalization, but does not strengthen the effect of gender diversity on tax aggressiveness


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How to Cite

Analysis Of The Effect Of Transfer Pricing, Thin Capitalization And Gender Diversity On Tax Aggressivity With Corporate Social Responsibility As A Moderation Variable. (2024). Prosiding Simposium Ilmiah Akuntansi, 1(1), 1073-1091.

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